Top Africa Safari Destinations for Your to Do list.

Top Destination Places In Kenya

Nairobi National Park

The only Wildlife park in the world that is so close to the city.

A short drive out of Nairobi’s central business district is the Nairobi National Park.
Wide open grass plains and backdrop of the city scrapers, scattered acacia bush play host to a wide variety of wildlife. including:
  • The endangered black rhino,
  • Lions, 
  • Leopards, 
  • Cheetahs,
  • Hyenas, 
  • Buffaloes, 
  • Giraffes 
  • Diverse birdlife with over 400 species recorded. 

Visitors can enjoy the park’s picnic sites,for corporate events,bush dinners,weddings,video and film production.

It is also home to The Animal Orphanage that serves a treatments and rehabilitation centre for wild animals. The Orphanage hosts lions, cheetahs, hyenas, jackals, serval cats, rare Sokoke cats, warthogs, leopards, various monkeys, baboons and buffalo. Various birds can also be viewed including parrots, guinea fowls, crowned cranes and ostriches.

The Mara Triangle is located in North-Western part of the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.

There is a huge number of wildlife that live here:

The Big Carts ( Lion,Leopard,Cheetah)
Black Rhino
Other Mammals
Slender Mongoose   Herpestes sanguineus
Egyptian Mongoose   Herpestes ichneumon
Marsh Mongoose   Atilax paludinosus
White-tailed Mongoose   Ichneumia albicauda
Dwarf Mongoose   Helpgale parvula
Banded Mongoose   Mungos mungo

Located in Coast Province of Kenya in between Nairobi City and Mombasa.
Tsavo is nearly 22,000km2, being the largest national park in Kenya and one of the largest in the world.
There are plenty of places to stay in the two parks. These range greatly and most of them have a water hole close to the property making game viewing easier.
Tsavo East is generally flat, with dry plains across which the Galana River flows. Other features include the Yatta Plateau and Lugard Falls.
Tsavo West National Park is more mountainous and wetter than its counterpart, with swamps, Lake Jipe and the Mzima Springs. It is known for bird life and for its large mammal’s e.g. black rhino, Cape buffalo, elephant, leopard, hippo and Masai lion. There are also other smaller animals that can be spotted in the park, such as the bush baby, hartebeest, lesser kudu and Maasai giraffe.

Crowned by Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak, the Amboseli National Parks is one of Kenya's most popular parks. 
It is one of the best places in Africa to view large herds of elephants up close. Nature lovers can explore five different habitats here ranging from the dried-up bed of Lake Amboseli, wetlands with sulphur springs, the savannah and woodlands.  They can also visit the local Maasai community who live around the park and experience their authentic culture.

Malindi is a town on Malindi Bay, in southeastern Kenya.
There are several tropical beaches dotted with hotels and resorts.
Malindi Marine National Park and nearby Watamu Marine National Park are home to turtles and colorful fish. Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve harbors elephants and more than 200 species of birds. Near the forest, the Gede Ruins are the remains of an ancient Swahili town.

Other feature include Vasco Da Gama Pillar, Porterhouse Church,Ruins of Gedi and Malindi museum.

It is located on the floor of the Great Rift Valley.
Visitors can enjoy the wide ecological diversity and varied habitats that range from Lake Nakuru itself to the surrounding escarpment and picturesque ridges. Lake Nakuru National Park is ideal for bird watching, hiking,picnic and game drives.

Attractions include:

Flamingo and other water birds including a variety of terrestrial birds
Mammals ( 56 different species including white rhino , waterbuck etc
View- Points: Lion hill,Baboon cliff and Out of Africa
Unique vegetation: About 550 different plant species including the unique and biggest euphorbia forest in Africa, Picturesque landscape and yellow acacia woodlands


Lamu Town is a small town on Lamu Island, which is a part of the Lamu Archipelago in Kenya. Situated 341 kilometres by road northeast of Mombasa that ends at Mokowe Jetty from where the sea channel has to be crossed to reach Lamu Island.

It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is Kenya's oldest continually inhabited town, and was one of the original Swahili settlements along coastal East Africa, founded in 1370. The town contains the Lamu Fort on the seafront, which commenced construction under Fumo Madi ibn Abi Bakr, the sultan of Pate, and was completed after his death in the early 1820s. 

Other attractions include lamu museum, Lamu fort & Manda Island.

This reserve is rich in flora and fauna and hosts the highest density of African elephant in Kenya.
Other animal species found in the area are Sable antelope, elephant shrew, bushy tailed mongoose and other small mammals like fruit bats. The forest is an important bird area and is endowed with forest birdlife while the grasslands hold localized species such as red-necked-Spur fowl, Croaking Cisticola and Zanzibar Red Bishop. The scenic Sheldrick Falls and the dense Mwaluganje Forest are also found here.

Lake Bogoria National Reserve

Is a saline, alkaline lake that lies in a volcanic region in a half-graben basin south of Lake Baringo, Kenya, a little south of the equator and is a protected National Reserve.
Like Lake Nakuru, Lake Elmenteita, and Lake Magadi further south in the Rift Valley, and Lake Logipi to the north, is home at times to one of the world's largest populations of lesser flamingos
The lake is also famous for geysers and hot springs along the bank of the lake and in the lake. In four locations around the lake can be observed at least 10 geysers, which erupt up to 5 m high. Geyser activity is affected by the fluctuations of lake level, which may expose some geysers.

Mount Kenya is the second tallest mountain in Africa at a height of 5,199 meters. The scenery surrounding this designated World Heritage Site is breath-taking. It is pristine wilderness with lakes, tarns, glaciers, dense forest, mineral springs and a selection of rare and endangered species of animals.

Visitors can enjoy mountain climbing, camping and caving with the mountain’s rugged glacier-clad peaks providing the perfect backdrop.
There are several summits on Mount Kenya: Batian, Nelion, and Point Lenana. Adventure Alternative offers trips to each of these peaks, plus a few more trek options

The area surrounding the peak and the peak itself make up Mt Kenya National Park. The surrounding area is well known for its unique flora and fauna. From the lowland savannahs and bamboo forests the flora changes as you rise in elevation. 
